Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Let's Blog -- by Cindy

I just created this blog on a whim, put about 30 seconds of thought into it. Yet it seems like a good idea. A blog is simply a web-log. Usually people write short essays, daily thoughts, or whatever is on their minds. With a blog anyone on planet Earth (and possibly even Mars) - with internet - can read and comment on a blog. It's fun. So let's blog.

I will start. Last night we had the monthly ALDA meeting at our new and probably permanent location. Everything was swell from attendees to the new location itself. Yet I came away feeling a bit disgruntled. Pure honest here, hey its a blog. Ok disgruntled is not the exact word but for me, it was like going 12 years back in time when I am going forward. I lost my total hearing in one day 15 years ago. I went through all the grief and glory for years and it was exhausting. And while it doesn't consume my days its still an ever present annoyance to say the least. Just didn't feel like rehashing it last night but then when reminded myself everyone is at different places and that was ok.

It was asked if anyone made new years resolutions , in regards to deafness. Hmmmmmmm. No. :) But did make a few of the standard ones - spend less, save more, exercise more. Hey I've been to Bally 3 (or 4?) times in less than 2 weeks. That alone is an accomplishment considering my real day or as many women call it, my ME time, doesn't start until 5:30 pm on weekdays. That said, I like the meeting place, it's going to work out nice.


Cindy said...

yep pretty easy to comment, just testing it. hope fellow suncoasters will post some musings ... well seemed like a good idea.

Christine said...

I stopped drinking lattes and whatevers at SB and started buying grande coffee of the day with an espresso shot and a bit of half and half. yummy and half the price!

Cindy said...

thats a good idea Cristine. thx.