As a deaf person I don't think so. I'm referring to Helen Keller's well known quote about how with blindness you lose things, with deafness you lose people. I wouldn't dare negate her views - a woman who accomplished so much. But I'd debate that quote. Imagine going to the grocery store totally blind, you would need someone with you EVERY TIME to tell you whats on the shelves. Or never seeing a sunset, a pretty tree, the ocean. Imagine having a toddler to keep track of.
Sure blind people have equipment to help like the deaf do, but still , every time this debate is brought up as was mentioned at last nights ALDA meeting, I can't help but think deafness pales compared to the limitations blindness woul d bring. what do you think?
Here's a HK quote I like
Never bend your head. Hold it high. Look the world straight in the eye.
and here's some more of her quotes