This blog is a place for ALDA SUNCOAST Chapter members catch the latest news and to post their thoughts, gripes, laughs, comments, ponderings etc on any topic they like. No rules here other than common courtesy.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
What Would You Do?

I don't know whether to be livid or just dumbfounded that a postal worker would risk their job to park in a HC spot. This is the spot I park in at work. I took the picture and wrote down truck numberas waited for the mail carrier to come back to her truck. When she did, I said to her in a duh-fashion "you are in a hc space ! " since I'm total deaf I have no idea her response but her body .language and gesstures conveyed frustration, or maybe annoyance that I called her on it. I was going to report this but h ave since cooled down, think will let it pass and see if happens again, not likely. I really wouldn't want someone losing their job over it. Still, that takes nerve for a fed employee (postal workers are fed employees ?) . What would you do ?
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Top 10 Responses to "I'm Deaf" or "I'm HOH" from hearing people
-- contributed by Chris Littlewood (Please comment or add your own best responses)
So we have all been in a situation with one or more hearing person that we have just met where it becomes necessary to explain that we are deaf/hoh. Some of these responses will never cease to amaze me. I keep a sense of humor about it, but these are the top ten responses I think I have had to telling someone I am deaf or hoh:
- “Me too! I know I hear less out of my right ear than my left.” Or sometimes just “Me too” (and then they go on and on and on, and you’re smiling and thinking where’s the exit?).
- “Oh really, my brother’s, cousin’s, sister’s, best friend’s, roommate’s accountant is hard of hearing.”
- “I’m sorry, what?” (Sometimes they are trying to be funny, sometimes they’re not and sometimes they are funny and sometimes they’re NOT.).
- “Arghh, Nevermind!” (You are now invisible, the person that said this will talk to the people around you, near you, and sometimes through you, but may never again talk to you. Hey, it is that person’s loss.)
- “Ha ha, no your not!” (This is not Seinfeld!)
- “Well why don’t you wear (or turn up) your hearing aid?”
- “Well just look at me and read my lips then!” (Said the guy with the bushy mustache and goatee)
- “I’ll say it one more time!!”
- “Oh, that’s O.K”…….(“Geee thanks!” Is what your thinking and you were not apologizing).
Friday, July 11, 2008
Welcome Matthew Howard Thorton Baxter
It' s so hot don't feel much like doing anything. But have a houseful of boxes that need unpacked, have to crawl out of bed 6:15 am most days, meals to cook, menus to plan. blah blah blah, who cares!
So what' s new ? My baby brother welcomed his first child into the world – born on the 4th of July! Thought so cool to be born on such a festive day. It's my favorite holiday with no stress inducing demands like gift buying (which I do enjoy). just lax around, maybe bbq or cook up a nice summer dinner than go watch fireworks if inclined. This year we went to Coachman park, and personally, was impressed. Love the view of Clearwater harbor right there and the FW were as good as they come. It was packed with families and people milling about the vendors, watching the concert on stage (nice to watch but makes me miss hearing). But sweet silence soon filled the air when the FW started and it was like hearing perfectly again as can feel each BOOM as anyone. Now back to the new baby. I went up Natures Food Patch in the morning on the 4th to get last minute munchies and a few baby gifts, a card for the new mom. As I was walking out Hulk Hogan walked! We’ve seen him there before so wasn’t exactly star struck. But this time a light bulb flicked on, as walked to my car – eureka! My sis-in-law Danielle is a huge wrestling fan, whether she likes HH or not I could not let this opportunity pass. With card in hand I ventured back into the store, I located him sitting in the cafĂ© and apologetically approached as blabbled out something like “sis new baby, one hour ago, loves wrestling, sign for her pls?”. He pleasantly smiled and signed a nice congrats on the card I just bought. How cool is that? few pics below. One is 20 seconds old and while I think beautiful maybe not for everyone.
So what' s new ? My baby brother welcomed his first child into the world – born on the 4th of July! Thought so cool to be born on such a festive day. It's my favorite holiday with no stress inducing demands like gift buying (which I do enjoy). just lax around, maybe bbq or cook up a nice summer dinner than go watch fireworks if inclined. This year we went to Coachman park, and personally, was impressed. Love the view of Clearwater harbor right there and the FW were as good as they come. It was packed with families and people milling about the vendors, watching the concert on stage (nice to watch but makes me miss hearing). But sweet silence soon filled the air when the FW started and it was like hearing perfectly again as can feel each BOOM as anyone. Now back to the new baby. I went up Natures Food Patch in the morning on the 4th to get last minute munchies and a few baby gifts, a card for the new mom. As I was walking out Hulk Hogan walked! We’ve seen him there before so wasn’t exactly star struck. But this time a light bulb flicked on, as walked to my car – eureka! My sis-in-law Danielle is a huge wrestling fan, whether she likes HH or not I could not let this opportunity pass. With card in hand I ventured back into the store, I located him sitting in the cafĂ© and apologetically approached as blabbled out something like “sis new baby, one hour ago, loves wrestling, sign for her pls?”. He pleasantly smiled and signed a nice congrats on the card I just bought. How cool is that? few pics below. One is 20 seconds old and while I think beautiful maybe not for everyone.

Sunday, March 23, 2008
Happy Easter!
Well it's Easter morning, a beautiful day! Just got done preparing a boneless New Zealand leg of lamb and its roasting nice0ly in oven. Was fun preparing. Pureed in the vitamix bunch of rosemary, thyme, marjoram, garlic, olive oil, and a touch of maple syrup. Will be off to spend the day with family, that is with those who show up :0) I try not to miss family gatherings say even if have an injured knee, busy with 'other things', etc. It will be a fun day.
A Word from your President
My fellow Americans ...
Let me just say that to do what we have to do is the honorable thing and the honorable thing to do is always right.
I bought new underwear. It was the right thing to do. Men understand that, women understand that. It's a universal constant. When a prince from Saudi Arabia was asked 35 years ago what he wore under his robe, he replied "BVD's", a popular brand of underwear at the time.
How's this relate to deafness? You may recall that many hearing folk think that sign language is universal - like undies. It's not. We use ASL as do the Canadians outside Quebec, the British use BSL, Germans use DGS, French and Swiss use LSF, Norwegians - NTS.
The world is rich in sign language diversity. There are over 100 different signed languages used throughout the world today and 60 of them have their own written component, as evidenced here:
What's this mean for us? More fun! Here's a great page to look at:
Cat in the Hat video
It includes a sign video in ASL of the last few paragraphs of The Cat in the Hat, an English translation, and SignWriting.
You can check out a few of the other languages and read their signs. Some only have a few as of yet, others, like the German site, have many.
Enjoy! :-)
Let me just say that to do what we have to do is the honorable thing and the honorable thing to do is always right.
I bought new underwear. It was the right thing to do. Men understand that, women understand that. It's a universal constant. When a prince from Saudi Arabia was asked 35 years ago what he wore under his robe, he replied "BVD's", a popular brand of underwear at the time.
How's this relate to deafness? You may recall that many hearing folk think that sign language is universal - like undies. It's not. We use ASL as do the Canadians outside Quebec, the British use BSL, Germans use DGS, French and Swiss use LSF, Norwegians - NTS.
The world is rich in sign language diversity. There are over 100 different signed languages used throughout the world today and 60 of them have their own written component, as evidenced here:
What's this mean for us? More fun! Here's a great page to look at:
Cat in the Hat video
It includes a sign video in ASL of the last few paragraphs of The Cat in the Hat, an English translation, and SignWriting.
You can check out a few of the other languages and read their signs. Some only have a few as of yet, others, like the German site, have many.
Enjoy! :-)
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Was Helen Keller right?
As a deaf person I don't think so. I'm referring to Helen Keller's well known quote about how with blindness you lose things, with deafness you lose people. I wouldn't dare negate her views - a woman who accomplished so much. But I'd debate that quote. Imagine going to the grocery store totally blind, you would need someone with you EVERY TIME to tell you whats on the shelves. Or never seeing a sunset, a pretty tree, the ocean. Imagine having a toddler to keep track of.
Sure blind people have equipment to help like the deaf do, but still , every time this debate is brought up as was mentioned at last nights ALDA meeting, I can't help but think deafness pales compared to the limitations blindness woul d bring. what do you think?
Here's a HK quote I like
Never bend your head. Hold it high. Look the world straight in the eye.
and here's some more of her quotes
Sure blind people have equipment to help like the deaf do, but still , every time this debate is brought up as was mentioned at last nights ALDA meeting, I can't help but think deafness pales compared to the limitations blindness woul d bring. what do you think?
Here's a HK quote I like
Never bend your head. Hold it high. Look the world straight in the eye.
and here's some more of her quotes
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Who Knew
Decided to stroll Sam's on my lunch hour today since it's a minute away and haven't been there in a long time. I pull in the parking lot and nearly rear end a van who stopped fast in front of me narrowly missing the people off to side as I werved a bit to avoid it. Still can't believe I DIDN'T hit them, whew. Of course ALL the handicap spaces are taken. It's mind boggling. Is every driver on the road handicapped? Sure seems that way with rarely a space open anywhere. There are 3 aisles with geez 10 (estimate) spaces each, if not more. Yet at noon on a Tuesday all are full. Retirees ? So what the bleep I think, need exercise anyway and park way out yonder. So I grab the triple sized cart and off I go. Make note of the 3 inch memory foam topper at a good price. Add to wish list. Glance at TV's and think when time comes for new TV would shop here rather than Best Buy. Semi-ogle the jewelry. Reminds me of Service Merchandise who had a huge discounted jewelry section among other household things. I miss that store. Grab a gallon of Simple Green then search for to-go paper coffee cups. They have nice sturdy non foam ones by Dixie, 168 cups for 10 bucks. Sounds good to me (this is my way to get back at Starbucks high prices, make own lattes). But of course no lids!! Target sells the exact cups with lids but in 12 packs. Moving on I am in love with a pallet of Majestic Palms. The look healthy and vibrant, you might say, majestic :) and huge, taller than me. Only $10.88. I attempted to lift, no-go. And no time to find help. Theres no such thing as a leisure lunch hour on the clock. On to browse food. I'm starving too. It was hard to find something without tons of msg, preservatives and/or hydrogenated oils but narrowed it down to chicken quesdillas and chicken salad. Grabbed the salad. Grabbed a bag of wild cod. Looked longingly down the candy aisle. Time is up. Got in long line. This place is ALWAYS busy. Finally I'm up and cashier takes the member card then asks me if my other card is credit or debit. Credit I say. Did not have debit card on me. We only take cash or debit card he says. I'm stunned. Guess live in a hole as this was news to me. Then guess I can't pay I say back thinking I actually lip read a cashier for once in my life. He swipes away my cod, Simple Green, and chicken salad (as if I'm going to make a run for it I laugh) . Still hungry I make the long walk back to car thinking about the Majestic Palm.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
No good news..
Well we had the annual condo association election last night..
I am sorry to report I was not elected.. There are 5 positions on the board.. Three people from last years board were re-elected and two new members.. I was actually tied for the #5 spot but lost in a "run-off" vote by the residents who were at last nights meeting..
Here is the scary part... I was defeated by an 80-something year old woman with the beginning symptoms of Alzheimer's. Oh well, life goes on..
I am sorry to report I was not elected.. There are 5 positions on the board.. Three people from last years board were re-elected and two new members.. I was actually tied for the #5 spot but lost in a "run-off" vote by the residents who were at last nights meeting..
Here is the scary part... I was defeated by an 80-something year old woman with the beginning symptoms of Alzheimer's. Oh well, life goes on..
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Maybe Tim Kimball.. President..
I live in a condominium. I have lived here for 5 years. In those 5 years I have not felt the need to get involved in the Association "politics".. This past year changed all that.. Just some really dumb decisions were made concerning the way MY money was being spent.. So I decided to "throw my hat into the ring" and run for a position on the "Association Board"... Well, tomorrow night is the vote count..
From what I have heard ( you know.. "yenta talk"..) I may be the next President of our complex... And I am saying to myself "Go figure !! A HoH guy on a condo board" ... What a country !!!!!!
I am excited because I have a list of priorities that I feel will make where I live better..
I will keep you posted on the outcome..
Tim Kimball
From what I have heard ( you know.. "yenta talk"..) I may be the next President of our complex... And I am saying to myself "Go figure !! A HoH guy on a condo board" ... What a country !!!!!!
I am excited because I have a list of priorities that I feel will make where I live better..
I will keep you posted on the outcome..
Tim Kimball
New Years Resolutions
Its the 17th of January and still mulling over NY resolutions. I like to keep them small ie doable! One I just remembered was to not buy lunch out every day thus save $$, and its probably, no it IS a lot healthier to pack own. This is a common dilemma for people who work in offices such as myself. The hurdle is it takes planning and preparing. Time. I find it hard to wake up at 6:15, shower, get ready and out door by 7:30. But you know this shouldn't be hard. I estimate I spend easy $150 on lunches a month. This doesn't include my $4 starbucks coffee addiction. That is another resolution. Going to stop spending so many Cindybucks at Starbucks. Anyway, back to packing lunches. Now that it's in writing here maybe I'll be more motivated to follow through. I'd love some ideas for easy to pack but satisfying brown bag lunches. The catch is I do not use microwaves anymore, ok, very very seldom. I got rid of mine at home 2 years ago and don't miss it all. So that elimates frozen meals which is ok. (disclaimor: I don't judge people who do, nor do I know for fact microwaves are harmful. I just don't. Please respect my views and I will respect yours). So I'm thinking the usual cold sandwiches, soup in thermos options. Wonder what other people do?
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Let's Blog -- by Cindy
I just created this blog on a whim, put about 30 seconds of thought into it. Yet it seems like a good idea. A blog is simply a web-log. Usually people write short essays, daily thoughts, or whatever is on their minds. With a blog anyone on planet Earth (and possibly even Mars) - with internet - can read and comment on a blog. It's fun. So let's blog.
I will start. Last night we had the monthly ALDA meeting at our new and probably permanent location. Everything was swell from attendees to the new location itself. Yet I came away feeling a bit disgruntled. Pure honest here, hey its a blog. Ok disgruntled is not the exact word but for me, it was like going 12 years back in time when I am going forward. I lost my total hearing in one day 15 years ago. I went through all the grief and glory for years and it was exhausting. And while it doesn't consume my days its still an ever present annoyance to say the least. Just didn't feel like rehashing it last night but then when reminded myself everyone is at different places and that was ok.
It was asked if anyone made new years resolutions , in regards to deafness. Hmmmmmmm. No. :) But did make a few of the standard ones - spend less, save more, exercise more. Hey I've been to Bally 3 (or 4?) times in less than 2 weeks. That alone is an accomplishment considering my real day or as many women call it, my ME time, doesn't start until 5:30 pm on weekdays. That said, I like the meeting place, it's going to work out nice.
I will start. Last night we had the monthly ALDA meeting at our new and probably permanent location. Everything was swell from attendees to the new location itself. Yet I came away feeling a bit disgruntled. Pure honest here, hey its a blog. Ok disgruntled is not the exact word but for me, it was like going 12 years back in time when I am going forward. I lost my total hearing in one day 15 years ago. I went through all the grief and glory for years and it was exhausting. And while it doesn't consume my days its still an ever present annoyance to say the least. Just didn't feel like rehashing it last night but then when reminded myself everyone is at different places and that was ok.
It was asked if anyone made new years resolutions , in regards to deafness. Hmmmmmmm. No. :) But did make a few of the standard ones - spend less, save more, exercise more. Hey I've been to Bally 3 (or 4?) times in less than 2 weeks. That alone is an accomplishment considering my real day or as many women call it, my ME time, doesn't start until 5:30 pm on weekdays. That said, I like the meeting place, it's going to work out nice.
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